What is ALPACA?
Alpaca Finance is the largest lending protocol on Binance Smart Chain. It helps lenders to get safe yields, and borrowers - to receive undercollateralized loans for leverage trading. ALPACA applies the liquidity layer of integrated exchanges to provide its users with the required liquidity. ALPACA can be swapped for more than 2,300 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io.
What are the main market indicators of the token?
The project was launched in 2022. The total market capitalization of ALPACA is $48,383,834, with an all-time low of $0.1826, and an all-time high of $8.60. Now the project is ranked 420. Now, the ALPACA token is available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.
What else makes us believe that ALPACA may be a wise investment?
AlpacaFinance is the 3rd most secure protocol based on the assessment by Certik.
The lender is proud of its fair launch. 87% of tokens were distributed among the platform participants, and only 9% of all tokens went to the project team. No pr-mine, no pre-sale, no other activities that enable venture capitalists to take a major weight in the project development. A community-managed project is going to serve its community, and it makes us believe that ALPACA may be a wise investment.
The AlpacaFinance website is visited by over 55.5К visitors. The project has over 86K followers on Twitter and 11K of followers on Telegram.