LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / There is no other project that is equally versatile, – Interview with the Alpaca.finance team

There is no other project that is equally versatile, – Interview with the Alpaca.finance team

May 15, 2023 2 min read

Alpaca is working on the creation of the largest platform that allows leveraged yield farming on the BNB chain and Fantom. Safe and stable yields, undercollateralized loans, and other benefits are available for both lenders and borrowers to allow them to grow their farming principals and get profit.

Such a promising project has its token, which can be swapped for 2,500 other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange.io. Here, the Alpaca team shares some insights on their project with the LetsExchange community.

LetsExchange: What are the main use cases of the Alpaca project? Does it solve any real-world problems and if yes, which ones?

Alpaca.finance team: Lending, Leveraged Yield Farming (providing liquidity to DEXes with Leverage), Perpetual Futures trading with up to 50x Leverage for Trading, Hedging, carry trading. All this allows people to compound their savings by building diversified portfolios with different risk levels and gaining full control to achieve directional or neutral market Exposure. Combine it with 21 one audits and you get a super safe environment for their savings.

LetsExchange: Can you define your main Alpaca’s competitors? What are they?

Alpaca.finance team: We are competing with different projects in different sectors. GMX for perps, Venus for Lending, There is no notable competition in Leverage Yield Farming or Automated Vaults.

LetsExchange: Are there any famous people, influencers, media figures who support the Alpaca project? Can you mention some of them?

Alpaca.finance team: Our Audience are rather people who prefer to preserve their anonymity. Whales don't like publicity.

LetsExchange: Do you have any specific target audience? What are the main countries your users come from?

Alpaca.finance team: We are a global decentralized project. Asia, US, Europe, Africa

LetsExchange: Are there any projects that can serve as an example for your team? Any specific benchmarks?

Alpaca.finance team: Frankly, there is no other project that is equally versatile. As mentioned before, we are competing with different projects in different verticals.

LetsExchange: Did you face any difficulties when implementing the project? What were they?

Alpaca.finance team: Technological advancements. Bridging Web2 and Web3 solutions.

LetsExchange: How did the project survive the crypto winter? Did it have a significant impact on the project development?

Alpaca.finance team: We remain strong, still in the green with revenues. If you analyse our TVL relative to the market prices we've managed to preserve the TVL and even grow.

LetsExchange: Was there anything that inspired the founders to launch this specific project?

Alpaca.finance team: Lack of Capital efficient and safe projects to invest into.

LetsExchange: Do you have any funny stories to share with us? Something that makes our users remember you?

Alpaca.finance team: If you want to laugh, check our Alpies (Dauntless and Dreamers) NFT collections!

LetsExchange: Does your project have any unique features, something that makes it especially valuable for users?

Alpaca.finance team: Top 3 project on BNB chain, top 20 DeFi dApps in the space. 21 security audits, Leverage Yield Farming with AI-driven, automated Vaults, Perpetual Futures Exchange on BNB chain. All products produce real yield which is used to buyback the token from the market and share the revenue with Governance Vault stakers.