Why Can PIXEL Be a Smart Investment?
What is PIXEL?
Pixels is a social casual Web3 game, and PIXEL is its utility and governance token. It is used to benefit from the ecosystem’s functionality and to perform all the activities within the Pixels ecosystem
PIXEL can now be swapped for more than 4,000 available assets on LetsExchange.io.
What are the main market indicators of the token?
The project was launched in February 2024. The total market capitalization of PIXEL is $548,634,988, with an all-time low of $0.4711, and an all-time high of $1.02. Now the project is ranked as 158. Now, the PIXEL token is available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.
What else makes us believe that PIXEL may be a wise investment?
Pixels is a popular game that has already had a supportive community before the token launch. Launching a token was a logical step following the general game success. PIXEL performs a wide range of functions as a utility and governance token, this is why investing in PIXEL is a wise decision.
The Pixels website is visited by over 39K visitors. The project has over 8.5M followers on Twitter.