What is OKB?
OKB is a native token of OK Blockchain Foundation and OKX, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges. OKB functions similarly to BNB, a native token of Binance but with some differences. So, OKX has its own cloud mining service, and OKB is also used there.Now, OKB is available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.
What are the main market indicators of the token?
The project was launched in 2017. The total market capitalization of OKB is $1,678,311,042, with an all-time low of $1.25, and an all-time high of $44.17. Now the project is ranked 28. Now, the OKB token is available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.
What else makes us believe that OKB may be a wise investment?
OKB is a native token of one of the major cryptocurrency exchanges based on liquidity volumes and trading volume. Therefore, investing in it is a wise decision. Along with this, OKX also offers cloud mining services whose popularity also increases constantly.
The OKB website is visited by over 7.6M visitors. The project has over 2.5M followers on Twitter and almost 18.7k followers on Telegram.