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Web 3.0, Blockchain and Crypto: Reinventing the World

Sep 2, 2021 5 min read

What is Web 3.0 and how is it connected with blockchain and cryptocurrency?

Initially, there was Web 1.0 where pages were static, and interactive communication through the internet was impossible. The users were limited to reading HTML pages only.

In the 1990s, the internet started facing drastic changes. Web 2.0 was taking over the space. The web started moving to an interactive form. Content turned to be user-oriented, and sites and apps became interoperable. New business models were born based on social networking, mobile apps, and similar.

Now, we see that the capacity of Web 2.0 is not enough to keep up with ongoing changes. In Web 2.0, data is generated by third parties and stored in centralized repositories. While users decide independently what content to share, the situation changes when one starts looking for where to host, say, a mobile application. Once you try it, you will see that choices are very limited.

If an application has just a few users, it can live in an on-premise center. When the number of users starts growing, the only feasible and reasonable choice is some form of a cloud. While cloud hosting provides a number of advantages such as advanced performance, security, and flexibility compared to an on-premise server, it also comes with some challenges such as:

  • Loss of control over your data. When you store your data on a third-party server, you technologically have less control over the data. If a provider suffers a data breach, the data might be lost. Also, providers are obliged to provide law enforcement agencies with access to data stored on their servers.
  • Limited performance capabilities for a global audience. Cloud providers normally don’t have their servers all around the world. Users might experience latency due to the distant location of the server and the long way the traffic needs to travel.
  • Change of a vendor might be very challenging. Migrating between clouds is time- and cost-demanding.

These issues are expected to be solved by Web 3.0.

While Web 3.0 hasn’t arrived and is not even defined yet, there are some characteristics that most users agree about:

  • Web 3.0 will be decentralized by eliminating third parties and enabling trustless P2P transactions.
  • It will include semantic web, 3D graphics, AI, and ubiquity.

Web 3.0 will allow users and machines to interact with data. But to make this happen, programs shall learn to understand information conceptually and contextually. It is impossible for now but researchers hope that AI will help to overcome this obstacle.

Decentralization and security will be provided with the help of blockchain technology.

Web 3.0 and the Role of Blockchain in Its Development

A question arises about the decentralization of Web 3.0. If it is decentralized, it shall have some mechanisms to provide the needed security level within the network. It is going to be made through blockchain. Blockchain will be the underlying technology and the main driving force behind the new generation Web 3.0.

Web 3.0 networks will be operated through decentralized protocols. They will become the base blocks for blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. All the operations will be regulated by smart contracts. It shall completely change the way how people and companies conduct and manage their businesses.

So, Web 3.0 will be a natural result of evolution of the older-generation web tools combined with such cutting-edge technologies like AI and blockchain.

Web 3.0, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin was the originator of blockchain technology. The Bitcoin blockchain is still one of the most widely-used blockchains. However, the Ethereum blockchain is the one that is more likely to further the advancement of Web 3.0.

While Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a store of value, Ethereum is rather an open-source platform, a decentralized computing system where developers can create smart contracts and Dapps. Therefore, the Ethereum blockchain can serve as a perfect infrastructure for the upcoming decentralized internet powered by blockchain.

However, Ethereum faces multiple challenges that are impeding the development of Web 3.0. The main issues of the Ethereum network are speed and scalability.

The speed is too slow because of the lack of authentication nodes. For example, while a centralized app can process several thousand transactions per second, Ethereum processes just 20 transactions per second.

The Ethereum network is secured by 8,000 nodes. Every transaction must be processed by all nodes. Only then, the transaction is registered in the blockchain. If the network tries to handle an enterprise-level app, it will lead to network congestion.

These two issues are serious hurdles that must be overcome before the network can serve as a foundation for Web 3.0. While Ethereum is trying to handle these issues, other cryptocurrency projects such as Cardano and Polkadot are working on the development of the network for Web 3.0.

Cardano and Web 3.0

The Cardano project was launched by Charles Hoskinson, one of the Ethereum founders. Due to disagreements with Vitalik Buterin and other founders, Charles was asked to leave the project. After a short break, he launched a new project aimed at solving the main issue Ethereum was facing: network scalability.

Instead of using the Proof-of-Work algorithm, Cardano uses Oroboros, a modified Proof-of-Stake algorithm. It makes the Cardano network much more scalable. Along with a high scalability level, Cardano offers one more benefit compared to Ethereum: interoperability. The infrastructure enables different blockchains to interact.

With these two main benefits, the Cardano network can become a reliable foundation for Web 3.0.

Polkadot and Web 3.0

Gavin Wood, the creator of the Polkadot project, was also involved in the Ethereum development. He worked as a Chief Technology Officer and then left the project in 2016. He founded a company called Parity and devoted his time to the development of his own project - Polkadot. From the very start, the Polkadot network was supposed to become a foundation for Web 3.0.

The network is supposed to solve the main challenges that both Ethereum and Cardano have faced: interoperability and communication between blockchains. To understand how it is achieved, you might need more information about the Polkadot network.

The Polkadot network consists of three main components:

  • The Relay Chain
  • Parachains
  • Bridges.

Every component performs specific functions.

  • The relay chain is the core of the project. It makes the network secure and enables the syncing of all the network components and their operation. The relay chain also provides the network governance system. It allows DOT holders to vote.
  • Parachains are blockchains. Each parachain is built with a specific purpose. They are connected via the relay chain.
  • Bridges are parachains whose function is to connect external blockchains to the Polkadot network.

Schematically, it can be shown like this:

This is how the communication and interoperability issues are solved. However, Polkadot solves another major issue successfully - scalability.

Parachains are fast in processing transactions. One parachain can process around 1,000 transactions per second. Taking into account the number of parachains (there are 100 of them now), the speed of transaction processing impresses.

Which One Is Better?

For now, it is difficult to tell what technology will serve as the foundation for Web 3.0. Even though Polkadot is aimed at becoming it, it is difficult to predict the exact outcome of this race. We can be sure of one thing only: Web 3.0 is on the way, and blockchain with at least some crypto-projects will serve as the base for it.

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