WalletX will integrate LetsExchange API for in-wallet exchanges
WalletX, the world’s first 100% gasless web3 wallet, will integrate the LetsExchange API to enhance its users' cryptocurrency exchange functionality.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub that supports over 4,800 coins and tokens, the most extensive number of crypto assets in a single platform. When choosing a service to integrate the cryptocurrency exchange functionality into the app, the WalletX team also considered many other parameters, including the number of liquidity providers used, the stability of the service, etc.
The LetsExchange API solution enables programming access to LetsExchange multi-currency exchange services. Companies choosing to integrate the API get comprehensive technical support during all the stages of the integration project and 24/7 priority support when the integration is complete.
In addition, using the LetsExchange API increases the retention rate because users won’t switch to keeping their funds in centralized exchanges or for another wallet.
For users, integration of the LetExchange API into WalletX will boost security. If the swap functionality is enabled in the wallet, the possibility of an error or clicking on a link to a phishing resource is eliminated.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, said to be thrilled by the new partnership with WalletX and remained confident that users of this wallet will appreciate the crypto exchange functionality resulting from the LetsExchange API integration. He commented: “We provide premium exchange services to our user base, but we are open to partnering up with companies wishing to integrate this same crypto exchange functionality we have developed. Besides the API for developers, LetsExchange offers a plethora of B2B solutions that include exchange widgets, referral links, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products.”
WalletX is the world’s first 100% gasless web3 wallet that allows anyone to do onchain transactions across all major EVMs without paying any gas fees. WalletX is also loaded with other cutting-edge features like Batch Transactions, Biometric Authentication using Passkeys, Address Book for storing addresses, Payment of gas in non-native tokens and management of multiple wallets each with their own seed phrases - all in one extension!
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.