LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / USDT on the TON Network is now available on LetsExchange

USDT on the TON Network is now available on LetsExchange

Apr 24, 2024 1 min read

LetsExchange has integrated USDT on the TON blockchain into its array of supported assets. This development allows users to swap USDT on TON with over 4,500+ other cryptocurrencies and buy/sell it with 60 fiat currencies available on the platform.

Furthermore, this token will now be accessible across a wide network of applications and services through LetsExchange’s crypto-processing solutions, bolstering the exchange and buy/sell functionality for scores of partners. This development signifies a step forward in enhancing the versatility and accessibility of USDT (TON) for traders and investors globally.

USDT on TON: a new horizon for stablecoins

The TON network, originally initiated by Telegram, has been gaining traction as a promising decentralized platform. With LetsExchange’s integration, users can now buy/sell USDT on TON with fiat and exchange it for all supported crypto assets on more than 300 different blockchains.

The listing of USDT on TON is also a strategic contribution to the development of the TON ecosystem. Not only does the listing allow users the straightforward option to exchange their USDT on various networks for USDT on TON, but they can also buy/sell it for fiat currencies.

Thanks to LetsExchange cross-chain functionality for direct exchanges of any assets, including USDT and other stablecoins, with one another, users can swap USDT (TON) with USDT on ERC20, TRC20, SOL and other popular chains. This feature is crucial for users who operate across multiple blockchains and require a seamless transfer of assets without the need for centralized exchanges.