The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and this volatility enables traders to earn a lot if they know how to forecast the price changes and leverage on price fluctuations. To forecast market movements, traders use a lot of signals. The bear flag pattern is one of them.
What Is the Bear Flag?
The bearish flag is a chart pattern. It signals that the market will continue moving forward after the pause is over.
As you can see in the image, after a downwards movement, the price consolidates. The consolidation occurs within two parallel upwards trend lines. But after that, a supporting line gets broken, and the downwards movement continues.
How to Identify a Bearish Flag?
The bearish flag trading pattern looks like a flag. It consists of a flag and the flagpole.
That’s why this pattern has received such a name.
The consolidation phase in the bear flag stock pattern shall not extend too high. The rebound can be milder or sharper but it shall not exceed 50% of the flagpole. If the rebound exceeds 50%, it might be not a bearish flag.
The smaller the rebound is, the stronger the bearish trend is. And thus, the steeper the price fall is going to be. For example here, you see a strong rebound with large range candles and a weak rebound with smaller range candles.
The strong momentum shows that sellers are controlling the market and can push the price down.
The weak momentum shows weaker selling pressure. It is the moment when the price can consolidate, bulls may take over control over the market, and the price can start moving upwards. The weak momentum is good for traders to benefit from short-time positions.
Bear Flag Trading Strategy
The main aim of trading is to benefit from asset price fluctuations. The bear flag chart pattern is a powerful signal that indicates clearly where the market is going to move. Once you detect this bearish chart pattern, you stop selling or buying. The best strategy is to watch and wait because most likely, the asset price is going to drop.
During the rebound, it is a good time to benefit from short positions. But be careful to not overdo it because it is normally expected that the price is going to continue the downward movement.
In general, a single pattern is not a reason to trade or not to trade. To check whether you can trust the signal, ensure you consider the following:
- The market condition - if the price broke down temporarily and there are no reasons to believe that it will be plunging, most likely, the consolidation will end up with a bullish trend.
- The bear flag pattern - the higher and more stable the rebound is the more likely it is that the price will rebound and start moving upwards.
- If the price breaks the support level before forming a bear flag, the bearish trend is coming.
Spotting the Bear Flag Chart Pattern
The bearish flag pattern is the continuation of a bearish trend. For the bearish flags to occur, three elements are needed:
- the flagpole
- the flag
- a breakout.
The first step to identify a bearish flag is to find a steady downward movement. It is the flag pole. Then, the flag shall be available - two lines between which the price consolidates. Further, the downward trend continues.
The Bear Flag: Trade or Not?
There is no standard answer. You decide whether you are going to take the risks associated with trading or not. But if you decide to try your luck and test your knowledge of the cryptocurrency market, the bear flag is a powerful signal. If you see a clear downward movement, most likely, it will continue after a short rebound that forms the flag of the pattern. If the rebound is stable and high enough, it is an indicator that the price may bounce, and the bullish trend may start.
Placing short positions during the rebound is a viable option to benefit from a short-time price increase. It is worth noting that the rebound is not constant, that’s why it is important to close positions on time in order to avoid losses. Another reasonable solution is to wait until the bearish trend is over, you buy the dip, and start benefiting from the bullish trend.
Please keep in mind that the above information is based exclusively on our observations and is provided for informational purposes only. It doesn’t constitute any kind of financial advice nor represents an official forecast. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile asset, and you are investing in it at your own risk.
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