Swap Crypto Faster and More Comfortable with Our Telegram Bot!
Are you one of those mobile users who cannot imagine their existence without a good messenger, such as Telegram, but still want to benefit from cheap and fast crypto swaps? LetsExchange has good news for you: now, all the benefits of our exchange are available in Telegram, you can use both CEX and DEX, whatever you prefer.
What do you need to do to start a swap?
Drop us a line to @LetsExchangeTelegramBot or click on https://t.me/LetsExchangeTelegramBot to start:
Then, follow the instructions provided by the bot. In the menu, select /start if you want to swap:
Choose whether you want to swap your coins on a CEX or a DEX. In our example, we will be swapping crypto on a centralized exchange:
You will be displayed a widget of the selected exchange from where you can proceed with the swap:
There, you choose whether you want to perform a swap with a floating or a fixed rate:
Select the coin to sell and the coin to purchase and provide the amount. The other value will be calculated automatically:
Copy the address to which you want to receive the swapped coins:
Add promo code if you have one:
And click EXCHANGE:
You will be redirected to the Checkout window.
Check once more all the data that you have provided. If everything is correct, click on the ACCEPT button:
Deposit the amount you want to exchange to the provided address:
And complete the swap.
If you need to contact our customer support, just choose the respective option:
We are improving our services constantly and adding new options to boost the quality and comfort of your every swap.