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SUSHI price prediction 2025 - 2030

Jun 24, 2024 3 min read

SUSHI is a versatile token that functions seamlessly across various blockchain networks. It is the main currency used on SushiSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) where traders can buy and sell crypto without intermediaries. SUSHI holders can participate in governance and stake their tokens to earn some of SushiSwap’s transaction fees. Versions of the token can also be found on the Solana, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Terra, Celo, Harmony, Fantom, and xDai networks.

In this SUSHI price prediction, we examine the projections for this token and its suitability as an investment vehicle. Please read on.

SUSHI overview

As of June 21, 2024, SUSHI was the 234th most valuable cryptocurrency by market capitalization, according to CoinMarketCap. The table below summarizes other relevant data for the same date.

Coin Name


Coin Symbol


USD Price


Market Cap


24h Trading Volume


Total Supply

277,733,522 SUSHI

SUSHI price history

SUSHI, launched in August 2020, has experienced a dynamic price history with significant volatility. Initially priced around $2.5 on August 28, 2020, it quickly surged to over $10 by early September 2020 amid high enthusiasm for decentralized finance (DeFi). However, the token's price plummeted shortly after, dropping below $1 by November 2020 due to market corrections and early controversies. SUSHI’s all-time low price was approximately $0.5 on November 4, 2020, ending that year at about $3.

In early 2021, SUSHI saw a substantial resurgence, driven by the overall DeFi boom and increased adoption of SushiSwap. Its price peaked at $23.4 on March 13, 2021, its current all-time high. Following this peak, the price fluctuated but generally trended downward, reflecting broader market trends and periods of market uncertainty. SUSHI closed 2021 at $9.4, 2022 at $0.9, and 2023 at $1.4.

Despite these fluctuations, SUSHI has maintained a notable presence in the DeFi space and continues to be an essential token on multiple blockchain networks. As of June 21, 2024, SUSHI traded at about $0.8.

SUSHI price prediction

SUSHI price prediction 2025

Next year, the SUSHI price will continue to expand. According to PricePrediction, SUSHI will trade at an average price of $1.7 in 2025, with a potential maximum of $1.9. BitcoinWisdom predicts an average price of $1.8 and a maximum of $2. DigitalCoinPrice is more optimistic, indicating an average SUSHI price of $2 in 2025, possibly reaching $2.1. So, a SUSHI investment at the current trading price of $0.8 could increase its value by +162% in 2025.

SUSHI price prediction 2026

PricePrediction expects SUSHI to trade at an average of $2.5 in 2026, reaching a maximum of $2.8. BitcoinWisdom predicts a similar scenario, with an average price of $2.6 and a maximum of $2.8. DigitalCoinPrice is more optimistic, indicating an average SUSHI price of $2.85 and a potential maximum of $2.9. Therefore, a SUSHI investment at the current $0.8 per token could yield a return of +256% by 2026.

SUSHI price prediction 2030

The SUSHI price will likely increase in the long run. BitcoinWisdom and DigitalCoinPrice agree that SUSHI will trade at an average price of $5.8 in 2030, possibly reaching a maximum of $6.1. PricePrediction is significantly more optimistic, indicating an average price of $10.7 and a potential maximum of $12.1. Hence, a SUSHI investment at the current $0.8 per token could grow by +1,413% by 2030.


SushiSwap has been praised for its vibrant community involvement and governance model. This project offers a unique fix for the problem of cryptocurrency liquidity. While SushiSwap’s growth trajectory looks impressive, the question is whether it can maintain this momentum and solidify itself as a major player in the decentralized finance (DeFi) arena. All of this also applies to the SUSHI token. Although price predictions are optimistic about SUSHI’s future, it would be better to research this asset thoroughly before investing.


Is SUSHI a good investment?

It might be. Price predictions are optimistic, but you should invest cautiously in SUSHI.

How high can SUSHI go?

According to PricePrediction, SUSHI will trade at $38.1. In the distant future, the SUSHI price will be $815.8 in 2040 and $1,032 in 2050.

Where can I get the SUSHI token?

You can get SUSHI from LetsExchange.io at competitive rates.


Please keep in mind that the above information is based exclusively on our observations and is provided for informational purposes only. It doesn’t constitute any kind of financial advice nor represents an official forecast. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile asset, and you are investing in it at your own risk.