LetsExchange and MiniVerse partner to bring cross-chain swaps to Web3 users across Asia
LetsExchange has partnered with MiniVerse, an innovative Web3 hub dedicated to bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3 users in Asia. This collaboration will bring cross-chain swaps to Web3 users in the region, with LetsExchange integrated as a DApp within the MiniVerse platform.
By leveraging LetsExchange’s robust infrastructure, MiniVerse enhances its offering with access to over 5,000 cryptocurrencies across 300+ networks. This feature empowers MiniVerse users to manage their digital assets effortlessly while engaging with the platform's broader suite of decentralized applications.
The LetsExchange bridge is a cutting-edge solution enabling seamless cross-chain swaps for a wide range of cryptocurrencies. Supporting over 190 coins and tokens across 19 major blockchain networks, the bridge allows users to move assets between chains with ease and security. Unlike traditional bridges, LetsExchange ensures comprehensive AML compliance and leverages only reputable liquidity providers, offering a reliable and transparent service.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “By integrating LetsExchange’s cross-chain swap functionality, MiniVerse users gain access to a seamless and secure way to manage their digital assets while exploring the possibilities of decentralized technologies. We’re glad to support MiniVerse’s mission to empower communities through innovation and inclusivity.”
Anna Hiver, CEO and Founder of MiniVerse, commented: “At MiniVerse, our mission is to create a seamless and secure bridge into the decentralized world, especially for users in Asia who are taking their first steps into Web3. We believe education, innovation, and inclusivity are key to unlocking the full potential of this technology, and we’re committed to building a platform that empowers users while respecting the unique cultural and regional diversity of our audience.”
MiniVerse is at the forefront of Web3 innovation, developing a scalable and user-friendly platform to support decentralized technologies. Focused on the Asian market, MiniVerse offers a comprehensive suite of DApps, an educational hub to enhance user knowledge, and culturally relevant content to ensure a trusted and inclusive experience. With plans to integrate gamification and introduce mini DApps, MiniVerse aims to be the leading hub for decentralized applications and games in Asia.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub supporting over 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 300+ networks. The platform offers features such as cross-chain swaps, a robust bridge, and on/off-ramp solutions to simplify digital asset management for users worldwide. Its advanced API and customizable widgets empower partners to integrate cutting-edge exchange functionality seamlessly.