LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / One can now swap Nimiq (NIM) on LetsExchange

One can now swap Nimiq (NIM) on LetsExchange

Jul 31, 2024 2 min read

NIM, the asset behind L1 blockchain Nimiq, is now available on LetsExchange, a go-to exchange platform supporting the most extensive number of cryptocurrencies in the market.

The crypto community can now swap NIM for over 4,800 other coins and tokens using a friendly widget on LetsExchange’s website. Swaps are also possible through a Telegram bot, wallets, apps, and third-party platforms that integrate crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.

When you exchange NIM for another cryptocurrency on LetsExchange, you have two choices: market rate and fixed rate. With the first choice, the system checks exchange rates from over 20 different liquidity providers to get you the best deal at that moment. With the fixed rate, the system locks in the exchange rate right at the start of your transaction. No matter how the market changes during your swap, the price you agreed on stays the same.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, welcomed the listing of NIM and remained confident that this crypto asset will attract the interest of many customers. He commented: “NIM is a widely accepted cryptocurrency, and we are glad to facilitate access to it. With this listing, we expand our user base's range of trading and investment opportunities.”

Nimiq is the world's first installation free, browser-centric blockchain payment protocol, maximizing usability and scalability without compromising on decentralization. NIM is a native token that runs on the Nimiq blockchain and is used as the payment coin of the Nimiq ecosystem. It is designed for fast, easy and low-cost online and point-of-sale payments, with a focus on P2P payments as simple as Venmo, but the properties of true cryptocurrency.

LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.