LetsExchange Has Been Nominated for the “Payment Provider of the Year” Award at AIBC Eurasia 2023
LetsExchange.io, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto swaps that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, has been nominated for the “PAYMENT PROVIDER OF THE YEAR” Award at AIBC Eurasia 2023.
AIBC, the Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Conference, is a world-leading event for the cryptocurrency and emerging technologies industries. AIBC Eurasia will occur this year on March 13-16 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Experts and industrial representatives will gather to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the crypto world.
“The LetsExchange team is very proud of this nomination since it recognizes every member's outstanding work. This also indicates that our B2B solutions' quality is of the industry's highest standard. It is a wonderful achievement for us,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated.
It is worth noting this nomination is not the first time that the AIBC organizing committee has recognized an excellent job by LetsExchange. Last year, this exchange platform was one of the front-runners for the “Crypto Exchange of the Year” Award at AIBC 2022.
Please vote for our company to help us win the award this year. All you must do is follow these simple steps:
- Open the voting page of the AIBC Awards Eurasia 2023 by clicking here.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, and E-mail on the electronic form.
- Scroll down to the PAYMENT PROVIDER OF THE YEAR category and click on the field beside LetsExchange. You can vote for companies in other categories if you wish.
- Send your vote by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
We thank you for your vote and support. We remain committed to offering you top-notch crypto exchange services with a great variety of payment, trading, and investment opportunities.
LetsExchange supports 2,300+ cryptocurrencies and 5.2+ mln trading pairs. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label solutions, etc.
Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, and many others.