LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / MultiRates has listed LetsExchange

MultiRates has listed LetsExchange

May 29, 2023 1 min read

MultiRates, an exchange rate monitoring service, has listed LetsExchange, a leading instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market.

This collaboration brings significant benefits to MultiRates users, as they now have an additional choice to find the most favorable exchange rates for their crypto transactions.

LetsExchange offers competitive exchange rates, particularly for transactions involving large sums. By opting for LetsExchange, MultiRates users can also take advantage of fast transactions and unlimited crypto swaps.

“We are excited to partner with MultiRates. This collaboration will be mutually beneficial, and we are open to establishing more affiliations with exchange rate monitoring services, as we have a special solution for them,” commented Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange.

MultiRates is a service helping users to find the most convenient and profitable way to exchange their cryptocurrency. The company supports hundreds of exchange and service providers, enabling crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat swaps and other digital fund transactions.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange platform that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies in the market. The company continuously incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B, which significantly impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate LetsExchange infrastructure through API, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label solutions, and other solutions.

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