LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange wrapped up the birthday bash! It was unforgettable!

LetsExchange wrapped up the birthday bash! It was unforgettable!

May 17, 2024 2 min read

LetsExchange's birthday celebrations are over, and we would like to thank all our users for their active participation. Also, we’d like to say a special thanks to our partners such as Algorand, Deeper Network, SwapSpace, eCash, FIO, Firo, Ontology, XDB, and Swing and their communities for being with us. You’ve made it unforgettable!

We’ve got thousands of text, graphic, and video congratulations on the LetsExchange birthday, hundreds of thousands of likes, retweets, and comments... Just to be more specific: the number of views of X (Twitter) posts where LetsExchange was mentioned during the birthday party grew to 361 thousand!

It’s a pity we cannot fit all greetings users send us in a single post, but they’ll remain nestled in our hearts. The coolest congratulations that our team liked the most, we've compiled in this publication so that everyone can see them.

A contest for the best graphic congratulation and best video congratulation was an event! We’ve seen plenty of great masterpieces, so it was very hard to pick the best ones, as they all were amazing!

We’ve also understood, we are on the right path as our users know LetsExchange history, main features, and advantages.


Thanks, guys, without you, it would not be the same!

And if you have missed this celebration, do not worry! Join us on social media to follow our updates, participate in activities, and earn promo codes or even some bucks! Looking forward to seeing you there! Looking forward to our next birthday with all of you aboard!