LetsExchange welcomes CREDI to its expansive cryptocurrency listing
LetsExchange, the leading one-stop exchange platform that supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, has listed CREDI, the native token of the Credefi lending platform.
Crypto users can swap CREDI for 5,000+ other cryptocurrencies using LetsExchange’s friendly widget, which is accessible on the LetsExchange website, as well as through third-party platforms, wallets, and apps that have integrated LetsExchange’s crypto swap solutions. Additionally, Telegram users can swap CREDI effortlessly via the official LetsExchange app.
Users can exchange CREDI without needing to create an account. Those who choose to register unlock additional features, including swap history, a list of favorite cryptocurrencies, and access to LetsExchange’s lucrative referral program. The LetsExchange widget is available in 13 languages to cater to its diverse global audience. Plus, round-the-clock customer support ensures a smooth user experience, whether swapping CREDI or any other cryptocurrency.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his excitement about the new listing: "We are thrilled to welcome CREDI to our platform. This token provides another great opportunity for users to engage in profitable trades and investments. We are confident that many customers will be excited about this new addition."Ivo Grigorov, CEO at Credefi stated: “The listing of CREDI on LetsExchange marks a significant milestone for Credefi, expanding accessibility and utility for our token holders. This partnership aligns with our mission to bridge traditional finance and crypto, providing seamless solutions for global users. We are excited about the opportunities this listing creates for both the Credefi community and the wider crypto ecosystem.”
With this new listing, LetsExchange continues to expand its offerings, reinforcing its position as the top destination for crypto users seeking variety, simplicity, and top-tier service.
Credefi is an innovative lending platform that offers crypto lending collateralized with real-world assets. Its mission is to bridge the gap in debt financing in the European Union and facilitate real-world impact by providing fair and accessible lending solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region. Credefi allows users to access reliable loans backed by real-world assets, including real estate, future receivables, and more. CREDI is the native token of the Credefi platform and provides additional security and yield boost opportunities for loans on the platform.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 5,000 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, bridge, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange allows its partners to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap and cross-chain features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.