LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange to suspend swaps of $PLS indefinitely.

LetsExchange to suspend swaps of $PLS indefinitely.

Aug 28, 2023 1 min read

LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting the biggest number of crypto assets globally, will no longer support swaps $PLS (PulseChain).

Our goal is to provide users stable access to exchange 3,000+ cryptocurrencies. To make it possible, LetsExchange aggregates liquidity from numerous providers.

The exchange of $PLS was possible through the liquidity of our partner – OKX. However, OKX has stopped accepting deposits for this particular asset and announced the delisting of the coin.

We're closely following the situation. Unfortunately, we currently don't have information on whether we can support $PLS again. If the situation changes, we will inform you immediately.

At the same time, on LetsExchange.io, you can still choose from over 9 million trading pairs of coins and tokens.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,000 cryptocurrencies for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including on- and off-ramp, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.