LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange to Support Fiat-to-Crypto Transactions through the Integration with Transak

LetsExchange to Support Fiat-to-Crypto Transactions through the Integration with Transak

Jul 12, 2022 1 min read

LetsExchange.io, an instant crypto exchange supporting over 710 digital coins and tokens, has announced the integration of Transak into its platform. Transak, a single integration for applications to accept fiat-to-crypto deposits from a global user base, will now allow LetsExchange customers to buy 100+ cryptocurrencies directly via debit/credit cards, Apple Pay, or even with a simple SEPA/Bank transfer.

Before the integration with Transak, LetsExchange offered crypto-to-crypto swaps only. While users could enjoy competitive exchange services, newcomers to the crypto space could not use the LetsExchange platform to buy cryptocurrencies with fiat money. Thanks to the partnership with Transak, anyone interested in purchasing cryptocurrency with fiat can now do it easily.

During the first stage of the integration, LetsExchange will only implement payment via credit and debit cards. Users from more than 125 countries will be able to buy crypto on LetsExchange using more than 75 fiat currencies.

Since its launch in early 2021, LetsExchange has provided fast and hassle-free crypto swaps. With an easy-to-use interface and no mandatory registration, this platform has rapidly become one of the world’s top instant swap services. Despite the crypto community's broad acceptance of the LetsExchange platform, this instant exchange has continuously sought to improve its services.

“We aim to make instant crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. Our exchange hopes to forge a long-lasting collaboration with Transak. We will adopt newer features added by Transak to offer better services to our customers in the future,” LetsExchange announced.