LetsExchange, an instant exchange with the largest number of cryptocurrencies listed for trading, and GetBlock, a prominent node service provider, have established a tech partnership. As a result, LetsExchange will use GetBlock’s NEAR blockchain explorer as a default explorer to track all transactions on the Near Protocol (NEAR) network.
This tool will allow LetsExchange users to verify transaction status, wallet balance, and other related information. Besides the Near Protocol, GetBlock has plans to integrate more blockchain networks, including leading smart contract platforms like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Harmony, Flow, and others.
LetsExchange might integrate the newer GetBlock’s blockchain explorers into its exchange platform as they become available. With this development, the number of unique users benefiting from the explorer services powered by GetBlock would significantly increase since LetsExchange lists over 1,950 digital coins and tokens for trading
For GetBlock, cooperation with LetsExchange provides a testbed for the performance of its explorer infrastructure for complex blockchain services such as a crypto exchange with many supported assets.
Launched in 2020, GetBlock is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that supercharges cryptocurrency services with cost-efficient and fast API endpoints. With GetBlock, dApps and CEXs no longer need to deploy their own nodes: this opportunity streamlines the development process and makes it more resource-optimized.
Since its launch in March 2021, LetsExchange has aimed to be the leading exchange platform in the number of listed cryptocurrencies for trading. LetsExchange also ranks among the top exchanges worldwide in other indicators, such as presence in the key markets. LetsExchange provides crypto-to-crypto swaps, fiat-to-crypto exchanges, and decentralized exchange (DEX) to meet the requirements of a diverse client base.
To fulfill its goal of making crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world, LetsExchange has released several B2B products and solutions. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label solutions, and more.