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LetsExchange to Allow Fiat-Money Transactions

Jul 19, 2022 2 min read

LetsExchange.io, one of the world’s top instant exchanges supporting over 720 cryptocurrencies, has established strategic partnerships with Transak and Mercuyo, two leading players in the blockchain industry. Transak, a single integration toolkit for applications to accept fiat-to-crypto deposits from a global user base, powers fiat-to-crypto transactions on the LetsExchange platform. Users can now purchase cryptocurrencies with fiat money through the new BUY CRYPTO tab on the LetsExchange widget.

For its part, Mercuryo, a payment toolbox for companies to implement global business payments, has enabled crypto-to-fiat transactions on LetsExchange. Likewise, users can now convert cryptocurrencies to fiat money and get the converted funds on their bank cards through a new SELL CRYPTO tab on the widget. In both cases, the exchange procedure is straightforward for the customer. LetsExchange has always prioritized ease of use and simplicity.

LetsExchange has also localized its website to Italian, French, and Polish. Customers living in countries where these languages are spoken can now use the LetsExchange platform in their native languages. This development brings to nine the total number of languages in which the LetsExchange platform can be displayed. Together with the localization of the website, the exchange widget has also been translated into all the supported languages. The language in the widget automatically changes with the localization of the site.

Partners of  LetsExchange can also benefit from a multilingual widget. When installing a custom widget on sites, they can set the display language that will be used by default. For instance, a site in French can choose the FR option and get a translated widget into this language by default. Customers wishing to use a different language can select their preferred option on the widget’s menu directly on the partner’s site. The widget will remember a specific customer’s localization and show the language chosen in every visit.

Additionally, LetsExchange has added quick filters to user accounts allowing customers to select specific crypto swaps even more quickly.

Since its launch in early 2021, LetsExchange has rapidly positioned itself as one of the leading instant exchanges in the crypto sphere. An easy-to-use interface and no mandatory registration have been instrumental in this rapid growth. However, this platform has recognized the need to improve the service offered to its customers worldwide regularly. As a result, LetsExchange will continue adding newer features to its platform to make transactions with cryptocurrencies more readily available to investors, traders, and business partners.