LetsExchange Supports Over 2,000 Cryptocurrencies
LetsExchange, a top instant exchange service worldwide, has increased the number of supported cryptocurrencies to over 2,000. It is the largest number of digital coins and tokens listed for trading compared to other similar crypto exchange platforms.
Since its launch in March 2021, LetsExchange has aimed to maintain its leadership in the number of crypto assets available for trading. Today, the number of trading pairs available to users already exceeds 4 million.
In addition to the proven assets that have been on the market for a long time, LetsExchange gives access to coins and tokens that are attracting users' attention today. Some of these newly added digital assets are
- TAMA: the gateway token of the Tamaverse, where you can mint, breed, and battle your Tamadoge pet. The Tamaverse is often regarded as the future of the Doge ecosystem and play-to-earn (P2E).
- BBC: the governance token of the Bull BTC CLUB NFT website, where you can obtain real Bitcoin mining profits by staking non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
- WWY: the token of a Web3 community-driven ecosystem for learning, earning, and playing.
- stETH: the tokenized form of staked Ether native to the Lido platform.
- KAP: the native token of Kapital DAO, a leading provider of Web3 gaming asset management tech
- HIMEEBITS: an ERC-20 token representing 1/1,000,000 ownership of a Meebit in the Meta-Swap pool of Fracton Protocol.
Besides the assets listed above, more than 2,000 coins and tokens are available for trading on LetsExchange without mandatory registration and KYC procedures.
Founded in early 2021, LetsExchange quickly became one of the leading instant exchanges in the crypto world. The largest number of cryptocurrencies for trading at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits have been decisive for the rapid success of this platform. LetsExchange also provides fiat-to-crypto exchanges and decentralized exchange (DEX).
“Our ultimate goal is to make crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. So, our company has released several B2B products and solutions. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange functionality through API, exchange widgets and buttons, and white-label solutions. We will continue expanding the number of supported cryptocurrencies to offer more investment options to our customers,” Alex J., LetsExchange’s CPO, explained.
Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange B2B toolkits are: Trezor, Edge wallet, Exodus, Trustee wallet, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Invity, and many others.