Now, when Ukrainian people are struggling in their fight, LetsExchange makes whatever possible to provide support to Ukraine and Ukrainians. LetsExchange’s team understands that cryptocurrency is a relatively new technology, and therefore, many people do not know how to use it. However, the ability to use crypto during the war can be very beneficial.
How can you use LetsExchange to help Ukraine - it doesn’t matter whether you are going to send the funds to assist the army, or you want to help financially your relatives, friends, or send some money to a volunteer you know - with cryptocurrency, you can do it easily, with minimum fees.
Beware of Scammers, Send Funds to Official Wallets Only
You might have already had an experience when scammers are requesting to send money to help Ukrainians. Here, we shall warn you: never send funds to people you do not know or to wallets that are not on the list of official wallets for donations. All transactions in cryptocurrency are irreversible, once completed, a transaction cannot be canceled or changed.
If you want to help, here is the list of wallets of organizations that work 24/7 to make the victory closer. You can send cryptocurrency to any of the below-mentioned wallets and be sure that it will be used properly:
?? Official Ukraine crypto donation wallets
- Bitcoin: 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P
- Ethereum: 0x165cd37b4c644c2921454429e7f9358d18a45e14
- Tether (TRC20): TEFccmfQ38cZS1DTZVhsxKVDckA8Y6VfCy
- Polkadot: 1x8aa2N2Ar9SQweJv9vsuZn3WYDHu7gMQu1RePjZuBe33Hv
- Dogecoin: DS76K9uJJzQjCFvAbpPGtFerp1qkJoeLwL
Official crypto wallets of the CyberPolice of Ukraine
- Bitcoin: bc1qdcg86r4rcgf9s6y9nxtyl80xxz62sunw9nevzr
- Ethereum, Binance Coin: 0x76136b4d578df727b132053d9a392eef202f9a80
- Tether (TRC20): TMoeioXTNK1xowtuXFQxnFnf5ZLEJmu7y7
Official crypto wallets of Ministry of Health of Ukraine
- Bitcoin: bc1qhtfj3u6cct69kgdj54s8szl5jscdm7rr7kalt4
- Litecoin: ltc1qnxqjtjs4suhryk09gnztwcd9htsjkhuxaelkx5
- Ethereum, Tether (ERC20): 0x5c61b722a3f946930ea4c60aa989f61ae2163646
The Return Alive Foundation
- Bitcoin: bc1qkd5az2ml7dk5j5h672yhxmhmxe9tuf97j39fm6
- Ethereum: 0xa1b1bbb8070df2450810b8eb2425d543cfcef79b
- Tether (TRC20): TX9aNri16bSxVYi6oMnKDj5RMKAMBXWzon
Unchain Ukraine
- Ethereum, Tether , USDCoin (ERC20): 0x10e1439455bd2624878b243819e31cfee9eb721c
- Binance Smart Chain: 0x67ef9a8d7f4ed931ac63e873b75d8f8dea64cdb2
- Polygon: 0xb37b3b78022E6964fe80030C9161525880274010
If you have friends, relatives, or acquaintances in Ukraine, or if you know somebody from volunteers and want to assist that particular person, you can send crypto. It is the best option if:
- Your friends and relatives do not have a suitable bank card to receive funds in USD/EUR, therefore, they cannot receive a SWIFT transfer. You can send cryptocurrency, and they can convert it into Hryvnias and withdraw the money to any Ukrainian bank card.
- Your friends have a suitable bank card to receive the funds but there is no time for a SWIFT transfer - it happens in emergency cases when money is needed right away. A transfer in cryptocurrency takes approximately 10 minutes.
- You are afraid that if you express your support to Ukraine, you might face unpleasant consequences. Transactions in cryptocurrency are anonymous, nobody will ever know about whom you are sending money unless you tell it.
What Can You Do if the Person You Need to Send Funds Doesn’t Know Anything about Cryptocurrency?
The majority of Ukrainian exchanges have cancelled mandatory account verification. It means that you can choose a reliable Ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange that works with fiat, open there an account, and send funds from your wallet to your account in the selected exchange. From there, you can withdraw funds directly to the bank card of the person you want to send funds to.
We have tested this option, the money is transferred and withdrawn within some minutes, and the fees are very reasonable.
Problems You Might Face and How to Solve Them With LetsExchange
As you have noticed, official donation channels work with a couple of coins only. Local exchanges, most likely, won’t offer a significant variety of supported coins, either. You can count on maybe 10, or a maximum of 15 supported coins.
But what can you do if you have a less common cryptocurrency on your wallet? What if you have SHIB, or DOGE, for example? Or even something rarer? How can you donate the coins?
Here, you can count on LetsExchange. You can swap your coins right here, on our website.
Let us have a look at the entire process. For example, you want to send DOGE to your account with a local Ukrainian exchange. DOGE is normally not supported by local services. Therefore, you need to swap DOGE to one of the supported coins, BTC, for example.
Here is the instruction on how to do it.
Move to
In the exchange widget, select a coin that you want to swap (DOGE), and type in the sum that you want to exchange:
Now, choose a coin to buy:
The sum to receive is calculated automatically.
Copy the receiving wallet address (the one where you are going to receive BTC):
Enter the promo code “Ukraine” - it will give you 0.5% cashback on the transaction volume.
Hit the LET’S EXCHANGE button:
Check the information and confirm the action by clicking on ACCEPT:
Make a deposit in the coin that you are selling to the address displayed:
If you are sending a memo-coin, like is the case with DOGE, fill in the mandatory field:
If you don’t do it, your funds might be lost.
After that, finalize the swap, and receive the swapped coin (BTC) in the account of a local Ukrainian exchange. From there, you can withdraw the funds to any bank card of any person to whom you want to send money. It takes some minutes only to exchange your funds and withdraw them. Do not worry that you might not find the needed coins - LetsExchange supports over 370 of them. It means that whatever cryptocurrency is stored in your wallet, you can exchange it for the needed coins.
And if you have any questions, our customer support works 24/7 to assist you with any queries you might have.
Stay tuned for further updates, crypto guides, and market insights from LetsExchange. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, Telegram, Steemit, and Bitcointalk for first-hand information from our team.