LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange Services are Now Available on the Exodus Wallet

LetsExchange Services are Now Available on the Exodus Wallet

Sep 16, 2022 2 min read

One of the top wallets worldwide, Exodus has integrated crypto exchange functionality powered by the Smart Rate technology of LetsExchange. This way, users get the most competitive rates for their crypto swaps from a wide pool of liquidity providers.

The main goal of Exodus is to help half the world exit the traditional financial system, and the company recently took a big step towards this aim with the release of the Exodus multichain Web3 wallet.

Pursuing a similar goal of making instant crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world, LetsExchange has sought to build a global ecosystem with significant players in the crypto and blockchain industries.

“Integration of our technologies with the Exodus wallet will increase its value for users, especially for those who want to exchange large amounts of crypto at the most favorable rates or are looking for an opportunity to buy not the most common coins. We are grateful to the Exodus team for trust in our solution,” LetsExchange stated.

Exodus directly supports over 250 cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains, and is a favourite amongst crypto beginners and pros alike due to its sleek and user-friendly design. As well as the Web3 browser wallet for Chrome and Brave, Exodus offers a growing NFT ecosystem and both desktop and mobile applications, with easy crypto purchases from USD, EUR and GBP.

Aside from providing straightforward crypto exchanges on its website, LetsExchange offers a ready-made toolset for other platforms to integrate the same features. Anyone in the crypto sphere can partner up with LetsExchange and partake of the many benefits this instant exchange can bring to wallets, exchange listings, and other related businesses.

Founded in early 2021, LetsExchange quickly became one of the leading instant exchanges in the crypto world. The largest number of cryptocurrencies for trading at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) has been decisive for the rapid success of this platform. LetsExchange caters to all investors and traders looking for fast and secure crypto transactions without registration and KYC.