LetsExchange Partners With Swing.xyz for Liquidity Boost

LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, has partnered with Swing, the leading liquidity aggregator for decentralized applications (dApps). The partnership will enable LetsExchange to access liquidity from over 100 blockchains, bridges, and decentralized exchanges (DEXes) through Swing’s platform.

LetsExchange will be able to offer its users more options and flexibility for swapping coins, as well as faster and cheaper transactions. Swing will be able to expand its reach and exposure to new markets and audiences, as well as showcase its innovative technology and solutions.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are very excited to partner with Swing. This partnership will allow us to make our service more stable in terms of liquidity and provide our users with even faster swaps at better prices. We believe this partnership will help us achieve our mission of making crypto exchange easy and accessible for everyone.”

“This collaboration represents a thrilling chance for Swing to highlight its flexible and dependable cross-chain aggregation capabilities. Swing is committed to facilitating smooth cross-chain transactions, offering the best price swap execution, a diverse range of assets, and accelerated token conversions, enhancing the experience for LetsExchange users.” - Viveik Vivekananthan, CEO at Swing.xyz

Swing is the unified cross-chain liquidity routing platform that connects dApps to multiple sources of liquidity from over 100 Blockchains, Bridges and DEXes. Swing’s smart routing algorithm finds the best prices and routes for any exchange, minimizing slippage. Swing also offers a range of tools for dApp developers, such as Swing Platform, Swing Widget, Swing SDK, and Bridge & Swap API.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub that saves users’ time and money by offering a full range of exchange services on the best terms. LetsExchange allows users to swap 4,000+ coins and tokens (including cross-chain), the biggest number of assets in the market. One can also buy and sell 200+ cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies on LetsExchange.io, use DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, earn from profitable affiliate programs, and more.