LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange Now Supports More than 800 Cryptocurrencies

LetsExchange Now Supports More than 800 Cryptocurrencies

Aug 31, 2022 1 min read

LetsExchange, an instant exchange enabling transactions with digital assets and fiat money, has increased its number of supported cryptocurrencies to over 800. With this development, LetsExchange positions itself as the platform with the most significant number of digital coins and tokens available for trading in the crypto space.

Since its launch in early 2021, LetsExchange has strived to maintain its leadership in the number of supported digital assets. Likewise, this exchange has developed an easy-to-use platform that guarantees user anonymity and the most competitive rates for crypto swaps involving large sums. LetsExchange’s ultimate goal is to make instant crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world.

Some of the most exciting recently added coins are IMX and USDD. Immutable X (IMX) is a layer-two scaling solution for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Ethereum. For its part, USDD is a stablecoin issued by the TRON decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

However, there are many more coins and tokens newly added. Among them are:

  • Alpine F1 Team Fan Token with over 43 mln market cap.
  • QI – governance token of BENQI – the lending and borrowing protocol.
  • BNX – a token of a decentralized financial payment network BinaryX.
  • Cocos-BCX, which is related to a blockchain game ecosystem.
  • Wing – a token for a credit-based, cross-chain decentralized lending platform.

LetsExchange is the most convenient platform for investors and traders seeking to diversify their portfolios. This instant exchange continuously adds new cryptocurrencies to offer various investment opportunities to the crypto community.