LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, has been nominated for the “CRYPTO PAYMENT SOLUTION OF THE YEAR” Award at the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023.
The SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023, organized by the SiGMA Group, will take place in Limassol, Cyprus, from September 4 to September 7.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented about this nomination: “We are delighted to be nominated to one of these prestigious awards. It indicates that our platform maintains its global leadership in an increasingly competitive market.”
LetsExchange asks its clients and partners to help win this award by voting for LetsExchange. Just follow these simple steps:
- Open the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Awards 2023 voting page by clicking here.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, and E-mail on the electronic form.
- Scroll down to the PAYMENT PROVIDER OF THE YEAR category and click on the field beside ‘LetsExchange.’ You can vote for companies in other categories if you wish.
- Send your vote by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
We thank you for your vote and support. We remain committed to offering premium crypto exchange services with various payment, trading, and investment opportunities.
LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,200 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
The SiGMA Group is an events and media organization focused on iGaming, blockchain, crypto and emerging tech. SiGMA’s international and regional summits are forums where the world’s leading authorities in iGaming and related technologies discuss this industry’s current status and future developments.