LetsExchange & MetisDAO AMA recap

LetsExchange, a leading instant crypto-exchange service with over 3,900 coins and tokens, has launched a collaboration with MetisDAO, an innovative Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution working on solving the blockchain trilemma: decentralization, security, and scalability as simultaneous features. Within the scope of the partnership, MetisDAO and LetsExchange held an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on October 19, 2023, to reply to the questions of the MetisDAO community.

The AMA Session was held on X (formerly Twitter). Below, you will find timecodes allowing you to jump to answers you’re interested in.

07:32 About the LetsExchange launch and some events that inspired the project creators.

10:20 Why does LetsExchange allow you to swap cryptocurrencies without mandatory account registration? And what are the plans regarding anonymity?

12:10 LetsExchange’s competitors and similar projects.

13:45 Is LetsExchange a centralized or a decentralized platform?

16:00  Does LetsExchange have minimum and maximum sums for swaps?

17:28 Whether tokens can be listed on LetsExchange as an only platform or if the tokens have no liquidity to process swaps with them.

20:13 How LetsExchange ensures the safety of users’ funds.

22:30  The availability of cross-chain swaps on LetsExchange.

23:39  Fees on LetsExchange in comparison to traditional DEXes.

25:00 The number of tokens supported by LetsExchange, token listing criteria, and the plans for the future.

27:00 Where LetsExchange takes liquidity from and how the platform ensures the availability of tokens, including those with low trading volumes.

29:30  Whether LetsExchange has its own token in which gas fees are charged and what are the gas fees on LetsExchange on average.

32:15 How LetsExchange ensures that all funds the platform operates with are clean.

34:33 Is it possible to buy and sell crypto with fiat on LetsExchange?

35:55 Actions when a transaction gets stuck.

38:30 Plans for the future, new projects, and new developments that LetsExchange can share.

40:50 How LetsExchange will foster innovation and sustainability while keeping security and user experience at the forefront of its strategy. 44:20 Whether LetsExchange gives promo codes to ordinary users and how to get one.