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LetsExchange Lists the DUCKIES Token

Aug 10, 2023 2 min read

LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting over 3,900 crypto assets, announces today the listing of the $DUCKIES token for trading. $DUCKIES is the token powering Duckies, a Yellow’s Canary Network, and Ducklings, an NFT trading card game.

At this point, the Yellow Network community will be able to swap $DUCKIES directly on LetsExchange. Soon, LetsExchange will also power a Telegram bot to streamline the trading of this token on the Telegram app.

“Our exchange lists the largest number of tokens and cryptocurrencies in the market. To keep our leadership in the industry, we continuously add new and promising crypto assets to our platform. We strive to offer our customers a vast array of profitable investment and trading opportunities. The listing of the $DUCKIES token is part of this expanding strategy,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

Yellow Network is a Layer-3 peer-to-peer (P2P) network that uses state channel technology to securely exchange liquidity & facilitate trading, clearing, settlement, and compliance. Duckies the Canary Network for Yellow, is a scalable experimental platform built to explore the power of Yellow Network and contribute to advancing the state channels-powered ecosystem of Web3 technologies. Ducklings is a community-powered Web3 game based on melding various duckies NFTs to get to the ultimate Duckling Mythic.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,900 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.

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