LetsExchange Launches a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
LetsExchange.io, one of the world’s top instant crypto exchanges, has launched a decentralized exchange (DEX) functionality by aggregating multiple DeX services to enable users to swap coins and tokens at the most profitable rates.
Users can now access this service through the DEX tab on the LetsExchange widget. With this new functionality, LetsExchange customers can swap cryptocurrencies without intermediaries, representing an addition to the existing instant exchange service provided by the LetsExchange platform.
Users swapping cryptocurrencies on the LetsExchange DEX can be sure of getting the best deal from a pool of liquidity providers. After initiating a crypto swap, the widget notifies the transaction's status throughout the process. This new trading option will benefit traders and investors who want to maintain control of their crypto funds at all times.
Currently, LetsExchange supports more than 1,950 cryptocurrencies and over 3.8 mln trading pairs. Since its launch in early 2021, this instant exchange platform has prioritized supporting as many digital assets as possible to offer its customers a new trading vision. Following this philosophy, LetsExchange will continue pursuing strategic partnerships with leading players in the blockchain industry to provide the best trading opportunities and user experience to all its customers.