LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange competes with Binance, Huobi and Crypto.com for “Crypto Exchange of the Year” at AIBC 2022

LetsExchange competes with Binance, Huobi and Crypto.com for “Crypto Exchange of the Year” at AIBC 2022

Oct 28, 2022 1 min read

LetsExchange Is Nominated for “Crypto Exchange of the Year” at AIBC 2022

LetsExchange, an instant swap service with the largest number of cryptocurrencies listed for trading, has been nominated for the “Crypto Exchange of the Year” Award at the Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Conference (AIBC) to take place on November 15-19, 2022, in Malta.

Six companies compete for this status. In addition to LetsExchange, Binance, Huobi, and Crypto.com are in the nomination.

The AIBC Awards recognize companies and individuals whose work has positively impacted the crypto, blockchain, and gaming industries. The LetsExchange team thanks all our users for this nomination, realizing it could not have been possible without our engaged and supportive community.

Since its launch in March 2021, LetsExchange has aimed to become a leading instant crypto exchange platform. Currently, it supports over 1,950 digital coins and tokens, the largest number of digital assets compared to other similar services and ranks among the top crypto exchanges worldwide. We are indebted to our community for allowing us to improve our services daily.

Knowing the importance of your support, we kindly ask you to help us win the award by submitting your vote for us. All you have to do is the following:

  • Open the voting page of the AIBC Awards by clicking here.
  • Enter your First Name, Last Name, and E-mail on the electronic form.
  • Vote for LetsExchange in the “Crypto Exchange of the Year” category.
  • Send your vote by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

You can also vote in other categories for companies you consider worthy of that.

We thank you for your support. Rest assured, the LetsExchange team will continue to work tirelessly to bring you the most varied crypto investment opportunities, ensuring you get access to assets with good liquidity and market capitalization.