LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange Is 2 Years Old, and We Are Giving Away 500 USDT & 5000 BDX!

LetsExchange Is 2 Years Old, and We Are Giving Away 500 USDT & 5000 BDX!

Mar 17, 2023 1 min read

LetsExchange continues celebrating its 2nd birthday! And, of course, celebration means rewards. You can participate in 500 USDT, and 5000 BDX give away from the 17th till the 31st of March.

To get a chance to earn crypto, do the following:

  1. Follow LetsExchange and Beldex.io on Twitter.
  2. Like and retweet our post that announces this raffle.
  3. Tag somebody of your friends.

You may share your opinions about our service, but this is optional. You must only complete the second and third steps if you are already following us on Twitter.

Please note that you can only participate in the activity from March 17th to 31st.

How are we going to choose the winners?

We will pick all users who retweeted the post with the announcements and tagged their friends. Then we will use a randomizing tool to pick winning Twitter nicks from the pool of those participants who have complied with all conditions. Once the winners are determined, we will publish the results on Twitter and get in touch to send the award!

How many users will be rewarded?

We will distribute 500 USDT among ten users equally. And also, our partner – Beldex.io decided to join our celebration and donated 5000 BDX so that we could distribute them to 5 more users. Thus ten users will get 50 USDT, and five will get 1000 BDX!