LetsExchange Introduces New Functionalities for Partner Exchange Widget
LetsExchange.io introduces new functionalities for the partner exchange widget. The new features are live, and the platform’s partners and clients are invited to upgrade their exchange tools in the advanced editor.
All the available options can be activated/deactivated or set up either in the menu sidebar or directly in the widget:
- Activating/deactivating CEX/DEX
- Selecting an exchange rate (floating/fixed/both)
- Changing the default coin and the default minimum amount to swap
- Setting coins and networks available for swapping in the widget
- Changing the default text on widget buttons and in its fields to custom text
- Selecting the widget language, recommended wallets, and so on.
The widget itself can be “constructed” based on the needs of your platform by adding and removing the available fields such as:
- Promo Code
- Send Notification
- Receive Receipt
- Agree with Terms and Conditions and others.
Additionally, you can put your own Trustpilot link or disable it. The widget design can also be adapted to the client’s website branding and layout.
“We are upgrading our B2B tools and adding new options for our partners constantly to make them benefit from all the opportunities the crypto world offers”, Alex J., LetsExchange’s CPO, stated.
LetsExchange is a leading instant exchange platform that supports over 2,000 crypto coins and tokens and over 80 fiat currencies for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto swaps. LetsExchange provides high-quality B2B solutions for its partners and clients by enabling them to benefit from white-label crypto exchange software and custom widget & button functionalities. In further publications, you can learn how coin teams and cross-platform media projects can use our widget to generate additional income flows.