LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange Has Listed the Metis Token

LetsExchange Has Listed the Metis Token

Dec 6, 2023 1 min read

LetsExchange, the crypto exchange platform supporting over 3,800 cryptocurrencies, has listed the Metis Token. This development will enable the crypto community to swap this crypto asset conveniently using a friendly exchange widget with thousands of other cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, the team issuing the token is currently assessing the various B2B solutions offered by LetsExchange. Shortly, they might integrate some of these solutions to provide the MetisDAO community with convenient tools for token exchange. These B2B solutions comprise exchange widgets and branded Telegram bots.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted to have started collaborating with Metis, a team committed to advancing blockchain technology worldwide. Listing their token on our platform is the first step toward further cooperation. We are certain that many of our customers will be interested in investing in this crypto asset.”

Metis aims to advance blockchain technology to accelerate the world’s transition to an open, fair, and decentralized economy. For this purpose, Metis has created a decentralization platform for anyone, from startups to enterprises, to build, run, and grow a company or community. Technically, it is an Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution powering dApps, businesses, and communities.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.