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LetsExchange has joined the Wanchain ecosystem

Dec 20, 2024 2 min read

LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, has become an exchange ecosystem partner of Wanchain, a pioneer in decentralized blockchain interoperability. WAN, the native token of Wanchain, is already available for crypto-to-crypto swaps and on- & off-ramp (crypto for fiat) services on LetsExchange. Users can effortlessly exchange WAN for over 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 60 fiat currencies. Additionally, partners who have integrated LetsExchange's crypto exchange solutions can make WAN available to their users. This integration broadens the asset options for LetsExchange users and extends Wanchain's reach within the crypto community. 

Wanchain is renowned for its innovative cross-chain infrastructure, connecting over 38 blockchains and enabling secure, decentralized asset transfers across various networks. Their native token, WAN, facilitates transactions and incentivizes network validators, playing a crucial role in their ecosystem. 

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration: "Collaborating with Wanchain aligns with our mission to simplify crypto exchanges and promote blockchain interoperability. By offering WAN on our platform, we provide our users with greater flexibility and access to innovative blockchain solutions. This collaboration underscores a mutual commitment to advancing the blockchain industry by delivering user-friendly and secure solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the global crypto community."

Temujin Louie, CEO at Wanchain, adds: "By making WAN easily accessible to a broader audience via LetsExchange, we are introducing more users to the full potential of decentralised blockchain interoperability. This collaboration exemplifies our shared commitment to driving the adoption of secure, decentralised, blockchain interoperability solutions."

Wanchain is a decentralized blockchain interoperability platform that enables secure, trustless cross-chain transactions and bridges between over 38 blockchain networks. With its cutting-edge technology, such as XFlows for native-to-native asset transfers and XPort for cross-chain data messaging, Wanchain is pioneering the development of seamless blockchain connectivity. Wanchain’s mission is to securely connect all blockchains without sacrificing decentralization, in order to enable a future where the world runs on a unified decentralised network of blockchains, built on industry-wide interoperability standards and specifications. 

LetsExchange is the ultimate crypto exchange spot that simplifies and enhances the digital asset trading experience for users worldwide. Supporting over 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 300+ networks, LetsExchange delivers crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain and bridge functionality, decentralized exchange (DEX), and on- and off-ramp with fiat currencies. The platform features advanced API solutions, customizable exchange widgets, and branded Telegram mini apps, empowering businesses and developers to integrate crypto exchange capabilities effortlessly.