LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange has integrated TUSD

LetsExchange has integrated TUSD

May 17, 2024 2 min read

LetsExchange, the one-stop crypto exchange hub, has integrated TrueUSD (TUSD), a leading USD-pegged stablecoin, into its swapping ecosystem. As for now, users can exchange TUSD in ERC20, BEP20, and TRC20 standards for over 4,500 crypto assets across more than 300 blockchains on LetsExchange.io. Cross-chain swaps, e.g., TUSD-BEP20 to TUSD-TRC20, are available, too.

Numerous apps and services that use LetsExchange’s crypto processing functionality can also offer their users trading pairs with TUSD.

Additionally, the TUSD team is investigating the range of B2B solutions provided by LetsExchange, which are designed to offer communities of various coins and tokens convenient cryptocurrency exchange tools. These solutions encompass API, customizable exchange widgets, and a tailored Telegram bot.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are excited to collaborate with TrueUSD, a project at the forefront of financial innovation. The integration of TUSD into our platform empowers our users with even more flexibility and stability for their trading activities.”

Yvonne Chia, Head of Communication at TUSD, agrees with the significance of the partnership: “Ensuring accessibility has been a cornerstone of TUSD's mission from the outset. With our listing on over 80 exchanges and DeFi protocols, we consistently aim to make TUSD widely available. Our collaboration with LetsExchange offers our users a remarkable range of tokens and flexibility, and we are thrilled about the possibilities this partnership holds for our community."

TrueUSD is renowned for its commitment to transparency and security in the stablecoin arena. As the first USD-pegged stablecoin with live on-chain attestations, TUSD provides a reliable and trustworthy stablecoin for transactions and hedging against market volatility. TUSD further enhances its transparency and reliability through Chainlink’s Proof of Reserve technology and MooreHK’s daily attestation services. The stablecoin is natively deployed on multiple networks, including Ethereum, TRON, Avalanche, and BNB Smart Chain, and is bridged across several others, ensuring widespread accessibility and liquidity.

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub recognized for supporting the largest number of crypto assets in the market. The platform allows for secure and reliable crypto exchanges at favorable rates across more than 4,500 crypto assets on over 300 blockchains. With various services, such as buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, and lucrative affiliate programs, LetsExchange stands out as a versatile and comprehensive solution for crypto enthusiasts worldwide.