LetsExchange Features a Redesigned Exchange Widget
LetsExchange.io has launched a new crypto exchange widget. An industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto swaps supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market. Now, the redesigned exchange tool is available on the main page of the exchange’s website to make crypto swaps more convenient and understandable for all users.
The new widget supports ten languages: English, languages of major European countries, and countries with a high level of crypto adoption. The language on the widget changes automatically with the language selection for the website. Moreover, this widget has several new features:
- A new menu with a function to check the status of your exchange and a list of active exchanges that allows you to track all your transactions in process.
- A list of recommended wallets which will increase as LetsExchange forges more partnerships with reputable industry players.
- New functionality to receive an email notification when your exchange is completed.
- The new menu allows you to contact support directly from the widget without opening other pages.
“We are continuously upgrading our services. Our ultimate goal is to make crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. By easing the crypto swap processes, we hope to foster the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and promote their use in everyday life,” Alex J., LetsExchange’s CPO, stated.
Founded in early 2021, LetsExchange quickly became one of the leading instant exchanges in the crypto world. The largest number of cryptocurrencies for trading at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits have been decisive for the rapid success of this platform. LetsExchange provides various crypto services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, buy & sell cryptocurrencies, decentralized exchange (DEX), Telegram bot, and cross-chain swaps (e.g., USDT-BEP2 to USDT-SOL).