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LetsExchange Establishes Cooperation with Telos

Feb 10, 2023 1 min read

LetsExchange.io, the exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and Telos, a high-performance blockchain home to the fastest EVM, have established cooperation.

LetsExchange has listed Telos’ native cryptocurrency (TLOS) for trading. LetsExchange’s customers can now find this digital asset in the exchange widget that allows instant swaps for various digital assets. Reciprocally, Telos will recommend LetsExchange as a trusted platform for trading its TLOS coin. Additionally, Telos will consider installing the LetsExchange widget on its website.

LetsExchange and Telos will also hold several joint marketing events to help draw attention to this promising blockchain project among LetsExchange customers, comprising investors, traders, and crypto enthusiasts. Likewise, Telos will promote the LetsExchange platform in its community.

Launched in March 2021, LetsExchange has rapidly positioned itself as one of the top crypto exchange platforms worldwide. Currently, it supports almost 2,200 digital coins and tokens, the largest number compared to any other instant exchange service. Besides, LetsExchange supports fiat-to-crypto transactions and features decentralized exchange (DEX) functionality.

Telos is a third-generation blockchain platform for building fast, scalable distributed applications with feeless transactions. Since launching its mainnet in December 2018, the Telos network has been developed to power future economies and provide human-scale solutions to global challenges. The Telos ecosystem has been paving the way to Web 3.0 and is growing exponentially.