LetsExchange Established a Partnership with Beldex.io
LetsExchange.io, the instant exchange service with the largest number of cryptocurrencies listed for trading, has established a partnership with Beldex.io, a leading privacy-based ecosystem.
LetsExchange lists the BDX token for trading on its platform. In turn, the Beldex team installed the LetsExchange widget on their website to enable the crypto community to swap any asset for BDX coins freely. Now users can transact with cryptocurrencies directly on the Beldex website without registration or KYC procedures. Reciprocally, LetsExchange customers will have another promising asset for investment and trading.
LetsExchange was launched in March 2021 and rapidly positioned itself as one of the top crypto exchange platforms worldwide. Currently, it supports more than 1,950 digital coins and tokens, the largest number compared to any other instant exchange service. Besides, LetsExchange supports fiat-to-crypto transactions and features decentralized exchange (DEX) functionality.
The Beldex project has developed an entire privacy-based ecosystem consisting of various decentralized applications (DApps) such as BChat and BelNet. Beldex also issues a privacy coin, BDX, which is used on the privacy-preserving DApps of the ecosystem. Beldex aims to be a one-stop destination for users concerned with privacy online.