LetsExchange enhances XDB CHAIN coin (XDB) accessibility and provides exchange solutions for the ecosystem wallet

XDB CHAIN, a protocol layer blockchain empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow, and LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, agreed to enhance XDB CHAIN accessibility and empower the XDB CHAIN ecosystem wallet with the LetsExchange crypto swap functionality.

As a result, XDB CHAIN users can now seamlessly swap 4,500 cryptocurrencies directly with XDB coin on LetsExchange.io and in LetsExchange partners’ wallets and widgets.

Additionally, XDB CHAIN is adding to its product roadmap  the integration of the crypto swap functionality into the ecosystem wallet. After finishing this process, XDB wallet users will be able to swap all other supported assets with XDB coins  directly in the app.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the cooperation with XDB CHAIN, a platform supporting the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded coins. We are positive that XDB CHAIN wallet users will appreciate the efficiency and simplicity of our crypto swap functionality. At the same time, we are sure many of our customers will welcome the XDB listing, which represents another great opportunity to on-ramp into this project.”

XDB CHAIN  (XDB) is a protocol layer blockchain “empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow”. The platform was created to support the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded tokens (BCO), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), stablecoins and more. XDB CHAIN introduces a deflationary system called buyback and burn (BBB) supported by the tokenomics of branded tokens (BCO Focused on security, privacy, and global accessibility by brands and consumers, it is the natural choice for those seeking cutting-edge blockchain solutions aligned with Web3 values.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.