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LetsExchange to Cooperate with the Bitriel Wallet

May 15, 2023 1 min read

LetsExchange.io, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, has partnered with the Bitriel Wallet, a progressive web app (PWA) compatible with Android and iOS platforms. The Bitriel Wallet has integrated the LetsExchange’s API, adding full crypto exchange functionality to the wallet. Additionally, Bitriel has installed the LetsExchange widget on its website, allowing visitors to swap thousands of cryptocurrencies without being redirected to an external service.

“Our main goal is to make crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. For this purpose, we have created several B2B solutions for smooth crypto processing, such as our API for developers. This solution is best for crypto wallets, exchanges, exchange aggregators, crypto portfolio apps, dApps, and similar crypto-related businesses. Integrating the API is as easy as possible, and our technical staff accompanies partners during all the stages of the integration,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

The Bitriel Wallet is a cross-chain digital wallet supporting multi-assets, crypto assets, and NFTs. It features decentralized exchange (DEX), derivatives trading, investment and trading, launchpad, and other functionalities in addition to safe storage of cryptocurrencies. It also allows fiat/crypto onramp and offramp for several trading pairs.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange supporting the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market. It currently lists 2,400+ cryptocurrencies, resulting in over 5.7 million trading pairs. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, and white-label solutions.

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