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LetsExchange Celebrates its Third Anniversary

Apr 4, 2024 2 min read

LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform with the widest selection of supported cryptocurrencies worldwide, celebrates its third anniversary.

Initially launched with just 210 cryptocurrencies, LetsExchange has expanded its offering up to 4,500+ coins and tokens and gained traction with its user-friendly interface and comprehensive crypto exchange functionality.

Within three years, LetsExchange featured traditional instant crypto swaps, DEX and buy/sell modes, cross-chain swaps for the same token existing on different blockchains, and a comprehensive set of B2B solutions to cater to the evolving needs of the global crypto community. In particular, LetsExchange’s partners and affiliates can benefit from customizable exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, API for developers, and referral links. All services are available for users in 10 languages.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, comments: “It has been an exciting journey with ups and downs along the way. From the beginning, we sought to differentiate ourselves from other exchanges by being a simple and convenient tool for exchanging cryptocurrencies for ordinary crypto users. But under the hood, our platform is a complex liquidity aggregator integrated with over twenty liquidity providers, supporting over 4,500 assets and 20 million trading pairs. Liquidity and currencies are aggregated from CEX, DEX, and fiat providers, which our users can access easily and seamlessly.”

Despite its relatively short existence, LetsExchange already has numerous loyal users worldwide. It has also forged partnerships with key players in the crypto and blockchain industries, including Trezor, Edge, Binance, Huobi, Gate, XEC, NANO, FLOKI, ARK, and PIVX. It has been nominated for three prestigious awards, namely ‘Crypto Exchange of the Year’ at AIBC 2022, ‘Payment Provider of the Year’ at AIBC Eurasia 2023, and ‘Crypto Payment Solution of the Year’ at the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023.

“At the heart of LetsExchange’s success lies its unwavering commitment to providing the best exchange experience to end-users. That is why we have never spared expenses to ensure our customers, partners, and affiliates trade crypto in a safe environment. In 2023, we integrated several more AML providers into our verification system to guarantee that only legitimate funds are available on LetsExchange. Also, we reinforced our ecosystem’s security through a strategic collaboration with HackenProof to identify vulnerabilities in LetsExchange’s services and products. We also continuously improve our infrastructure, which can now easily handle more than 5,000 requests per hour,” comments Tom Shelby, Head of Development at LetsExchange.

Entering its fourth year with a fresh identity and a revamped website, LetsExchange continues to commit to exceptional trading experiences and expanding its global footprint. We are excited to announce plans for the launch of new products and features, including a mobile application and a fiat gateway.

“As we look to the future, we are excited to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of crypto trading, bringing our users the best-in-class solutions they deserve. We are gearing up for an expansion by launching a mobile application, a custodial platform allowing users to store crypto and make instant exchanges and payments, and the LetsExchange fiat gateway,” concludes Alex J.

The LetsExchange team has prepared multiple activities for users and partners to mark this 3-year milestone. These events will be announced on the exchange’s website and social media (X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram) throughout the coming weeks.You can learn more about LetsExchange’s journey in the story ‘LetsExchange: Celebrating Three Years of Success.