LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange and Validatrium are partnering up to interchange information on digital assets

LetsExchange and Validatrium are partnering up to interchange information on digital assets

Apr 20, 2023 2 min read

LetsExchange, an industry-leading solution for crypto-to-crypto swaps, and Validatrium, a staking platform for proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols, have established a partnership. Companies agreed to interchange information on the security and reliability of digital assets to protect users.

In addition, the LetsExchange widget was integrated into the Validatrium website. Validatrium customers can now swap cryptocurrencies by just clicking the “Exchange Crypto'' button on the main page. At the same time, LetsExchange will add Validatrium to its list of recommended staking platforms featured in a new exchange widget.

“Our exchange platform supports the highest in the market number of cryptocurrencies. Now we strive to expand and improve our services by forging partnerships with major players in the crypto and blockchain industries. This way, we hope to make cryptocurrencies accessible to a wider population, fostering mass adoption and promoting the use of these digital assets in everyday life,” Alex J., LetsExchange’s CPO, stated.

“Our mission is to establish decentralization and stability in the industry by incentivizing users to hold and use cryptocurrency for validating transactions and securing the network. We aim to provide the highest level of security for every user of our platform in order to profit from their crypto assets. Therefore partnerships with trustworthy exchanges are of a high priority for the Validatrium team,” Olya R., Validatrium CMO, stated.

Founded in early 2021, LetsExchange quickly became one of the leading instant exchanges in the crypto world. The largest number of cryptocurrencies for trading at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits have been decisive for the rapid success of this platform. LetsExchange provides various crypto services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, buy & sell cryptocurrencies, decentralized exchange (DEX), Telegram bot, and cross-chain swaps (e.g., USDT-BEP2 to USDT-SOL).

With staked crypto worth more than 19 million USD and 9 thousand unique users, Validatrium develops and facilitates staking processes for individuals and enterprises. Validatrium runs highly secure and reliable nodes for PoS protocols using enterprise-level hardware to ensure maximum efficiency and security. The proof-of-stake model allows cryptocurrency owners to stake coins on Validatrium validator nodes. Through staking, users can contribute to the security and decentralization of a blockchain network while also earning rewards for their participation.