LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / LetsExchange Added Cross-Chain Swaps for the Same Cryptocurrency on Different Blockchains

LetsExchange Added Cross-Chain Swaps for the Same Cryptocurrency on Different Blockchains

Nov 25, 2022 2 min read

LetsExchange, the exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies for trading in the market, has unveiled a new feature: cross-chain swaps for the same coin running on different blockchain networks.

Cross-chain swaps have traditionally been expensive and time-consuming. Usually, users must convert a cryptocurrency into another coin or fiat money, a process that generates fees. Then, this crypto or fiat currency is used to purchase the same cryptocurrency on a different blockchain network, incurring more fees and taking time.

LetsExchange significantly simplifies the above process, allowing swapping a coin on one blockchain for the same one on another blockchain with a few clicks. Users can exchange, for example, their USDT-BEP2 for USDT-SOL. Such swaps are available for any cryptocurrencies that use the BEP2, BEP20, ERC20, MATIC, SOL, CHZ, and many other networks.

This development is part of the strategy to support the largest number of digital coins and tokens. LetsExchange customers can now choose the blockchain network they prefer to hold their digital assets without spending much money and time.

Since its launch in March 2021, LetsExchange has aimed to be a leading crypto exchange platform in various indicators besides the number of digital assets listed for trading. “Our instant exchange has set the goal to make crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. To achieve it, we are constantly expanding our platform’s functionality based on customer requests. We greatly appreciate our users' feedback, which allows us to improve daily,” – LetsExchange stated.