What is KISHU?
KiSHU is one of Doge-inspired meme coins. But the main difference of KISHU from other meme coins is that it is working actively on creating utility for its token. Now, KISHU is a token that supports a decentralized transactional system similar to DeFi projects. The KISHU token can be swapped for more than 4,000 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io.
What are the main market indicators of the token?

The project was launched in 2021. The total market capitalization of KISHU is $23,903,807, with an all-time low of $0,000000000068855 and an all-time high of $0,000000017547. The project is ranked 643. Now, the KISHU token is available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.
What else makes us believe that KISHU may be a wise investment?
KISHU, even though it is considered a meme coin, supports a project that works on a decentralized finance ecosystem. Additionally, this ecosystem is completely community-based, and all decisions are made by the community members. In the long run, it may create sustainable value for the entire crypto market.

The KISHU website is visited by over 11K visitors. The project has over 488K followers on Twitter and 46K on Telegram.