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Faster, greener, cost-effective, and honest – an Interview with the Telos team

May 29, 2023 2 min read

Telos, home to the fastest EVM, a cost-effective, greener, and honest project that leads the way for a better Web3. It offers a fast and scalable decentralized environment able to process over 10,000 transactions for building apps in a powerful, constantly growing ecosystem.

This is one of the leading layer-2 solutions, and now, its token TLOS can be bought for over 2,300 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io. You can find out more about the project from the interview with the Telos team.

LetsExchange: Are there any main use cases for Telos? Or are you aiming for a more comprehensive application range?

Telos team: DeFi, GameFi, NFTs. Our network is optimized for many different use cases.

LetsExchange: Do you believe there are some major competitors in the sector you are working in? Which ones are they, if any?

Telos team: Other L1's such as Ethereum, and L2s such as Polygon and AVAX.

LetsExchange: Does Telos rely on the support of any influencers, media figures, or popular personalities? Or some angel investors that have been supporting the team all this time.

Telos team: We are a grassroots project with no VC funding, no major KOLs, we do not have any people on our cap table. The project has gone through very natural and organic growth with organic price discovery.

LetsExchange: Are you aiming for a specific audience? Are there any geographical preferences?

Telos team: North America, Europe.

LetsExchange: Can you determine some projects that serve as a sample for your team? Maybe there are some projects that set important milestones for you?

Telos team: Polygon.

LetsExchange: What were the main difficulties when working on the project launch and development?

Telos team: Funding has been a problem because we have decided to go the zero VC route.

LetsExchange: How did Telos handle the difficulties during the crypto winter?

Telos team: Well-maintained run-way, a well-planned roadmap, and excellent execution and allocation of our budget.

LetsExchange: What gave the founders an idea about the project’s essence? Were there any specific events that inspired them to launch such a specific project?

Telos team: There was a true desire for an equitable blockchain that served the people first, and Telos was the result of that.

LetsExchange: What are the unique features of Telos? What are the details that stay in the mind of users when they hear about your project?

Telos team: Fixed Gas Costs, Fastest TPS & Scalable, Decentralized, No Front Running, Eco-Friendly, Community Governed.