LetsExchange has a lot of affiliate partners that use referral links. This is the most common way for influencers on social networks and opinion leaders to earn on referral swaps.
While some of them use quite obvious ways to approach their users and followers, others add to the common options those ways that are not so evident but can boost their referral income significantly.
Using query parameters for setting up the exchange widget on LetsExchange.io can change how you promote a booming crypto asset, invite your followers to use personal promotional codes, and many other ways.
How to do it? Let’s have a look.
What Query Parameters Are?
Query parameters can be any parameters attached at the end of an URL. They help to define predetermined content.
To add a query parameter to an URL, you use a “?” which serves to separate the actual URL from a query parameter. And to add several parameters, use a “&” between them:
Here is a list of query parameters that can be used to set up the LetsExchange widget:
- coin_from – allows to set up the coin to sell
- coin_to – it sets up the cryptocurrency to buy
- sent_amount – enables you to set up the default amount to sell
- get_amount – lets you set up the default amount to buy
- float – allows you to set up a floating or a fixed rate
- promo_code – adding this parameter lets your followers benefit from a specific promotional code.
Why Are Query Parameters Used?
Query parameters allow you to update a query to reflect a new search term. For example, you want to promote the Band coin. In the URL, you add the parameter ?coin_to=band. Now, when a user clicks on your referral link leading to the exchange widget on LetsExchange.io via, he or she will be prompted to buy Band.
Don’t forget that if the selected coin is supported by several networks, you must also indicate the needed network in a query parameter. So, if you want your users to change USDT in the TRC-20 network, as an example, your query parameter will look as follows:
The same can be set up for a coin that you want your users to sell. Adding?coin_from=btc means that in the widget, Bitcoin will be displayed as a coin to sell (‘You send’ field). Ensure the cryptocurrencies you choose are active and available in the LetsExchange.io widget. If the coins are inactive, other coins will be picked in the widget (normally, those are the closest active coins). Also, make sure that the coins to buy and sell are different. If they are the same, the closest active coin will be picked for the You Get field.
If you want to add several parameters, use “&” to connect them. For example, if you add to the URL ?coin_from=XMR&sent_amount=2, in the widget, XMR will be displayed as a coin to sell, and the amount on default will be 2:
If you want to add or remove a fixed or a floating rate, it can also be displayed in a query parameter. So, if you want the widget to offer a fixed rate only, you add:
?float=false - and the widget will provide a fixed rate.
And if you want the widget to offer a floating rate, you add the following:
?float=true – your widget will show a floating rate.
How to Enable Your Users to Apply Custom Promo Codes
LetsExchange offers its partners’ communities various types of promo codes. You can simplify using promo codes for your followers by adding a query parameter to the widget URL.
For example, if you want your users to use the code Ukraine when swapping Band, you add:
?coin_to=band&promo_code=ukraine to the URL. By clicking on this URL, the user will be moved to the widget that looks as follows:
If you want to set up the get_amount parameter, don’t forget that it only works for a fixed rate. So, in the link, you provide the float=false parameter and add the get_amount parameter. For example, coin_from=xmr&float=false&coin_to=eth&get_amount=0.0900.
Is It Worth Using Query Parameters?
With query parameters, you get a powerful marketing tool. For example, you can not just provide a referral link but organize any type of cross-promo with a coin (you can make a coin review or a forecast and give your followers a direct link to swap the crypto asset).
This option allows you to organize raffles and competitions (e.g., buy not less than a specific amount of coins and get a reward). And, of course, don’t forget that you can embed any promo code directly into the link by using a corresponding query parameter!
You can test all these options and try your own strategies to ensure a stable and decent income. And don’t forget to monitor detailed statistics in your personal account.