How to use your personal cabinet on

LetsExchange allows users to swap coins and tokens in any amount without mandatory registration. However, registering an account provides you with plenty of benefits. So, signing up may be a good idea for users who exchange crypto constantly.

How to register an account on LetsExchange

To sign up, move to the platform’s website, and click on the Account option in the upper right corner.

In the window that appears, click on the Create account button.

Further, provide your name (or nickname), email (it shall be valid), and password to protect your account.

After providing all this information, click on the Create account button.

You will be sent a link to confirm your account to your email. Open your email, and click on the link LetsExchange sent to it. Once done, you can log in to your personal cabinet.

Now, you can use everything available in your dashboard.

Click on the Popular pairs to check which cryptocurrency pairs are frequently swapped.

If you want to have a look at the last pairs you have swapped, click on the Last pairs tab.

You can check your portfolio by clicking on the Portfolio tab. If you don’t have coins in your portfolio, you can add them by clicking on the Add to portfolio button and picking the coins you want to add.

By clicking on the History option in the side menu, you can check the history of your transactions with all the details, such as:

  • The exchange date
  • The exchange ID
  • Sent
  • Got
  • The exchange status

Use filters to find the needed swaps rapidly.

Also, from your personal cabinet, you get access to the platform’s affiliate program, the creation of affiliate links, and the widget&button creation.


Registering an account with LetsExchange takes a couple of clicks, but the benefits are immense. Register now, and enjoy the widest range of features.