How to use LetsExchange Telegram Bot
If you want to swap crypto and cannot visit the LetsExchange website, or if you simply want to exchange crypto coins in Telegram without leaving any traits on the web, the Telegram bot is your choice.
Here is a guide on how to use it.
How to use the Telegram Bot for fast crypto swaps
First, you must find the correct bot. To do so, type in the request in the search bar in Telegram:
Please note that other bots can be found with this request, so make sure you use the right one.
To be sure, compare the link. The official LetsExchange bot has this link:
To start with a swap, open the bot.
Then, click on the Start button.
Click on the Exchange button to start the swap.
When the bot will ask you to grant access to your IP address and device data, click OK. This is a standard procedure of Telegram for all similar applications. LetsExchange doesn’t collect any user data.
After that, proceed with providing the swap information.
With the bot, you can use all the exchange functionality: swap crypto-to-crypto, buy and sell crypto for fiat, and use the DEX mode.
Here, you can find detailed instructions on how to
Just pick the flow you need and proceed with swapping your assets!