LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How to Swap Crypto with LetsExchange DEX

How to Swap Crypto with LetsExchange DEX

Jul 14, 2023 3 min read

If you prefer swapping crypto on a decentralized exchange, LetsExchange allows you to do so without registration and limitations.

To use a decentralized exchange for swapping your coins, do the following.

Click on the DEX tab in the exchange widget.

Proceed with connecting the wallet you will be using for the exchange. To do so, click on the Connect wallet button.

If you use MetaMask, it is enough to click on this option and proceed with the indicated steps to connect MetaMask.

Click on the Connect wallet button, and proceed with the step-by-step instructions.

If you use another wallet, click on the Wallet Connect option. And then click on the Connect wallet button.

Scan the QR code to connect any wallet you use that is compatible with Wallet Connect, or click on the All Wallets tab to pick a wallet that you use.

Further, proceed with the steps provided by the wallet to connect it to the LetsExchange DEX.

Now, pick the network in which you will be sending the funds. In the example, it is the Ethereum network. Pick the coin to sell and provide the amount. Pick the coin to receive. The amount to receive will be calculated automatically based on the exchange rate.

Pay attention, that some assets have insufficient liquidity. Swapping such tokens may lead to a negative outcome and loss of funds.

Below, you can check the transaction cost (the blockchain fee), and the exchange rate.

Open your wallet and confirm the transaction.

Note, please, that you can pick up the gas fee. If you aren’t in a hurry, you can choose the minimum amount and wait. If you want your swap to be processed asap, you can pick the maximum amount to speed up the transaction.

At any time, you can check the transaction status in an explorer by clicking on the View in explorer button.

Once the funds are swapped, we will send them to the wallet you’ve connected several steps before.

Possible Errors and How to Fix Them

When swapping your coins via DEX, you may face the following issues.

If your wallet doesn’t connect or connects slowly, check if you have logged into the wallet, whether there is an internet connection, and whether you have provided all the required permissions.

The exchange cannot be processed because the wallet balance is insufficient. It happens because you are trying to exchange more coins than you have in your wallet. Your wallet balance is displayed in the widget. Make sure that you are going to exchange an amount that doesn’t exceed your wallet balance.

The token you want to swap is not available. In such a case, make sure that you pick the token in the correct network.

The exchange cannot be processed if you try to make a cross-chain swap. Cross-chain swaps are not available on DEX. To enjoy this benefit, please move to the Swap tab in the exchange widget.


Exchanging coins on LetsExchange DEX is easy and safe. Deep liquidity, top safety, and comfort are the benefits you get when you use our platform.