LetsExchange enables its users to exchange crypto registration-free, very fast and simply. The process is straightforward to ensure tech-savvy users and beginners can use the service.
To swap your coins, follow the instructions.
In the exchange widget, pick the exchange rate type: fixed or market.
If you pick the fixed rate, you will get the exact amount displayed at the start of the swap. With a fixed rate, you can add a promo code to get cashback.
If you choose the market rate, the platform will pick the most profitable exchange rate among multiple liquidity providers and will perform the swap at that rate. In this case, the sum to receive may change if the exchange rates change while the transaction is being processed
In the You Send field, choose the coin you want to sell, and indicate the sum.
In the You Get window, choose the coin you want to buy. The sum to receive will be calculated automatically.
Note: some tokens are supported on different blockchains. Before proceeding with your transaction, make sure you pick the coin on the correct blockchain. Otherwise, your funds will be lost.
If you have a promo code, type it into the Add a promo code field (please keep in mind that this option is available only if you have selected a fixed rate to swap your coins. Filling in this box is not mandatory, but with a promo code, you get a cashback on your swap.
Once you’ve provided all the required data, click the Swap button.
In the next window, provide the receiving wallet address. This is the wallet address to which you will receive your exchanged coins.
For some coins, you will see an additional field: Memo, Destination Tag, Payment ID, Message, etc. Here, you shall provide a short string of symbols, which differs for different tokens. Please don’t ignore this field. If you don’t provide a memo (or Destination Tag, Payment ID, Message, etc.), your funds may be lost.
Finally, add the refund address. Your money will be refunded to this address if your transaction isn’t processed. This option is optional, but we recommend doing so. Also, you can add a valid email address to get notifications about your swap status.
Once all the information is provided, click on the Apply button.
You will be displayed a wallet to which you shall send a deposit. Send the exact sum of money you’ve assigned for the swap to the wallet, and wait until the transaction is completed and you receive your exchanged coins in your wallet.
After it’s done, request your receipt with all the transaction details. To do so, click on the respective button. You will be asked to provide your email to which the receipt will be sent. Once you do so, the receipt with all the data will be sent to your email.
Please note that most exchanges are very swift. But sometimes, a swap may take longer due to network loads or blockchain features.
Additional Options
Use the exchange widget menu to check additional information on your swap. Click the button in the top right widget corner to move to the menu.
You will be displayed the widget menu.
There, several options become available.
Change the Language
There, you can change the language of the widget. To do so, click on the Language option.
On default, English is selected. Pick any language you feel comfortable with by clicking on it. All changes will be displayed in the widget.
Check the Exchange Status
To check the status of your exchange, click on the respective options.
Paste the ID of the exchange you want to check, and click on the Check button.
The status will be displayed.
Check Recommended Wallets
To check wallets recommended by LetsExchange, click on the Recommended Wallets option.
In the window, you will be displayed the list of the wallets recommended by our platform.
Get in Touch with Support
You can send your message to our support team by clicking the Support option.
Fill in the form, and click on the Send button.
We will get in touch with you asap.
AML Checking
While the platform doesn’t require users to register an account, we perform automatic AML checks to ensure we work only with legit money.
In rare cases, the coins may not pass the AML check. It means these coins were involved in illegal activities, and we cannot accept them for a swap. We don’t block users’ funds, but we refund them to the wallet from which they were sent.
In some cases, we may request additional information to process a transaction. If a user doesn’t provide it, their funds will be refunded to the wallet from which they were sent.
Swapping crypto with LetsExchange is safe and easy. The exchange widget offers comprehensive functionality, and the entire process is straightforward and transparent.